Greetings Friends,
About 58 years ago JFK vowed to expose the NWO plot. He was assassinated in the process.
In reading the contents of these series of volumes, you will learn who Mystery Babylon is
and how they have planned to "enslave people" via Politics, Big Pharma, Economics and
Free Download of All in the Series
Each volume is a downloadable PDF file for viewing on any computer. Please feel free to share
this information far and wide. Each page can be posted, where ever it is safe, on billboards, posts, etc. It is too late in their "game" and we must awake the masses,
included those diluted souls who don't know they've been brainwashed by the puppet media,
their gov't, and others who have not awaken to the truth.
DSDS - VOL. 31
- Who are the Harlots, and Who is the Mother of All Harlots?
DSDS - VOL. 32
- John F. Kennedy's Warning to You ... Are You Awake?
DSDS - VOL. 33
- Deep State Attacking Your Health, Wealth and Wisdom!
DSDS - VOL. 34
- Trojan Horse of the N.W.O. - Agenda 21 and 2030.
DSDS - VOL. 35
- Is the Depopulation Agenda Real? And WHO is Behind It?
DSDS - VOL. 36
- What Really is Happening Behind the Doors of Gov't Intel Agencies!
DSDS - VOL. 37
- Closer Look at Klaus Schwab and His W.E.F. Crime Syndicate.
DSDS - VOL. 38
- How Far Are We Into the World Takeover?
DSDS - VOL. 39
- Keep Your Sanity When Surrounded by Abomination.